Welcome to our blog - we hope you enjoy the experiences we share on this page. You can expect general music chatter, sharing our gig experiences, what we're listening to, as well as links directly to our Spotify playlists and Mixcloud content.

Thanks for joining us.

The Case for the CD

Although vinyl may be our very first love here at The Sunken Foal, we just can't seem to part with our CD collection, and here's why...................................Read it here

The Sound of The Sunday Foal

Need an "easy like Sunday morning" playlist to help rid your existential Monday blues? We have you covered! Featuring contemporary chilled jazz vibes, lovely reggae and smooth as silk soul music.

Just whip on over to Spotify via this link

Our 10 Best Tracks To Wake Up To

Don't start your day alarmed, pick a track that makes you good from the first minute you wake.

We have 10 beautiful suggestions in our blog post

New Mix on The Cloud

December 2020

Elle B's - Eclectic Selectic Vol 3 - On Mixcloud now!

If you like your music pan genre and funky as hell, there is a new mix upon the cloud of mixes.

Featuring a veritable selection of latin, hip hop, mash ups, house and disco.

Give it a little listen here on Mixcloud 

DJ Elle B - Live From The Groove - Video Live Stream

March 2021 

Watch DJ Elle B's video stream DJ set for International Women's Day for Live From The Groove  - also includes full tracklist!

Watch the rerun

Favourite Sets of 2021

January 2022

DJ Elle B shares her favourite DJ sets that she has played during 2021

Read The Blog 

Copywrite 2024 - The Sunken Foal